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Keynote Performers

  1. The artificial user – a future scenario for CRO?: Steen Rasmussen
  2. All you need to know about framing: Sarah Gagestein
  3. Performance rules: Jono Alderson / Arnout Hellemans
  4. Defaults for A/B testing: Ronny Kohavi
  5. How to get the most out of your marketing automation: Kenda MacDonald
  6. How to manage chaos in CRO programs: Michelle Ernst
  7. Structural functionalism as a valuable lens for looking at how we structure experiments: Eden Bidani
  8. Analytics in the age of the modern data stack: Ibrahim Elawadi
  9. From nothing to a fully scaled CRO team: Marianne Stjervall

Keynote Pitch Presentations

  1. Grow your CRO muscle in 3 steps: Stefano Aprile
  2. Conversion management for multiple small to medium scale organisations: Nils Koppelman
  3. David and Golliath – how to stay in the fight: Ragnhild Mjønner

Partner Presentations

  1. CRO for crisis: VWO (Jan Marks)
  2. Client-side testing will not die!: Kameleoon ( Christoph Rottler & Justin Früh)
  3. How JBL & Contentsquare collaborate to form perfect human experiences: Contentsquare (Sally Bakker & Tjeerdvan der Putten)
  4. Unlimiting your experimentation scale: Optimizely (Mårten Bokedal & Justin Vos)
  5. Digital experience intelligence and why it’s here to stay: Fullstory (Gresa Rexhepi)
  6. Server-side a/b testing & personalisation: Sitespect (Erwin Kerk)